Day: May 24, 2022

ki o rahi

Last Thursday a woman named coach Chelsea taught us how to play some games but they weren’t related to ki o rahi, the game we were meant to play. At first, we watched a video that told us the story of Rahi and Tiara. It was about a guy stealing Tiara and Rahi who is trying to save her. That is most of it. After the video we went outside and played a tagging game. There were two teams, Kioma and Taniwha. The rules were to choose a team then the two teams were back to back and if she shouted Kioma,  then that team would run until the end of the canopy and Taniwha people would try and chase them down. If she shouted TaNiWhA then that team would do the same thing. We played that for 3 rounds and then we stopped. I was tired after that game and since it was raining we all stopped. Then we all said bye and that was it. MY HEART WAS POUNDING. It was really fun though.