Year: 2023

My Reading Log For This Week

My Reading Log 2023


Date Finished Title, Author Synopsis – Brief story outline Link to my critical review
18/8/23 LEGO CITY POLICE PURSUIT When a sneaky crook steals money from the bank, two of the Lego city’s best police officers are on the case. A high speed car chase leads cops all over the city but what happens when the crook hides in the park using some tricky disguises. I really like the storyboard in this book and the creativity in the book as well and I hope there will be more books.

How do thunderstorms form?

Thunderstorms form when warm, moist air rises into cold air. 

The warm air becomes cooler, which causes moisture, called water vapor, to form small water droplets — a process called condensation. The cooled air drops lower in the atmosphere, warms, and rises again.


But the primary reason why it forms 

Thunderstorms form when an air mass becomes unstable (when air in the lowest layers is very warm and humid, or air in the upper layers is unusually cold, or if both occur). Rising near-surface air in an unstable air mass expands and cools, making it warmer than its environment, which causes it to rise even farther


Once That happens heavy hail starts to form at the top and light rain forms at the bottom once formed. the light switches places and when they meet in the middle the light gives the heavy negative energy and the heavy gives the light positive energy once finished they start to make lighting inside the clouds. If positive energy is at the ground, lighting will strike on the ground.


Here are some ways you can protect yourself from a really bad thunderstorm. Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges, or peaks. Never lie flat on the ground. Never make a tree your shelter run inside any building. Never use an overhang cliff as shelter lighting may strike on the overhang falling onto your head. Immediately getting out of and away from ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water lighting may boil the water over 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

How The Water Cycle Works.



General statement about the topic.

 The Water Cycle is how water moves all around the earth and which happens every day and every time. There are 4 steps in the water cycle, which are: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection.


Evaporation is when water gets heated by the sun so much that the water puddles get smaller and smaller once it’s small enough it flies into the clouds along with the heat. The sun heats the ground, the rain’s leftover puddles and rivers, oceans and seas then evaporating the water. That turns into water vapour. Evaporation means water is turning into vapour by the heat. Sometimes after it’s been raining a lot the rain leaves puddles behind but when it turns into a hot day the puddles evaporate and turn into vapour  some people think its just steam but its actually water vapour. Evaporation is followed by condensation.

Condensation is the process by which water vapour in the air is changed into liquid water. Also, condensation happens when the vapour is so light that the heat rises, the water vapour up into the clouds and the clouds make big water droplets that fall onto the ground or any types of water. Do you see the steam after the rain then it goes up into the clouds? Well that is actually water vapour which can make more rain! Up next is Precipitation

Precipitation is a form of water, (such as rain, snow, or sleet}, that condenses from the atmosphere, becomes too heavy to remain suspended, and falls to the Earth’s surface. It happens when rain, snow, sleet, or hail any kind of weather condition where something’s falling from the sky. When the rain falls in the clouds the rain drops will get so heavy that they fall to the ground, mountains, valleys, rivers and oceans.

The water drops down from the clouds and goes onto the rivers, ground, lakes, oceans. This is when water that falls from the clouds as rain, snow, hail or sleet, collects in the oceans, rivers, lakes, streams. Most will infiltrate (soak into) the ground and will collect as underground water. It rains from the sky and drops into the ground.  Then it repeats all over again.



My DragonKeeper poster

 My drawings on Dragonkeeper celestial creatures. My personal favorite is The Red Phoenix. My inspiration for the Red Phoenix  was the wandering albatross. For the dragon it was the woodpecker and a Chinese dragon.  Then Qilin was inspired by a wolf, deer and bear.  After that it was basically a giant tortoise.

Creative Writing

                     THE TOWER OF NEVER ENDING ======================================================================


Characters are: Jeanne, Gray, Lola, Jayne and sander



The Tower Of Never Ending they call it. As I look up at the tower I see a faint figure at the tip of the tower. I say to my friends “ W-we should go back”. But inside my friends was curiosity of what lies inside the tower. My friends say to me “look, maybe just a quick peep?”. I replied “Fine”. so we grabbed our flashlights, some extra batteries and EMF ghost detectors, music box detectors, cameras and headed straight for the tower.



So step by step up the stairs creaking 50 steps into the tower we saw a room that had all the necessities: water, food and beds. So we raided the room once we were done.  Jayne  looked through the window and saw 5 people that looked like us. His first thought was shocking. So quickly shoved his head back through the window and told us everything we were flabbergasted. After a break of processing things we headed on our journey up the stairs.



After 70 steps we saw another room except it had a balcony. Of course we raided the room again but sander wanted to look out the balcony and explore first he saw some plants and shelves but when he leaned on the rails he fell. One of the rails was so rusty it just broke off.

At first we all said what was that noise but when we looked down we saw sander’s dead body spiked in the back by a rose. We were astounded Jayne wanted to end it all but she didn’t so then we continued.



After the death happened we were all still shocked on what happened Jayne was breathing heavily 70 steps later we all saw the same room where Sander died 50 steps later we saw it again and again we were all going crazy. 19 steps in we realized we were in a loop.